英语电影赏析 英文怎么说呢

成长网 2023-03-26 04:44 编辑:admin 286阅读

一、英语电影赏析 英文怎么说呢

英语电影赏析 English Film Appreciation书纯早兄名:Appreciating Cinema作 者:(英做袭)睁纳林恩(Lynn,A.) 著出 版 社:外语教学与研究出版社出版时间:2005-10-1 字 数:版 次:1 页 数:467 印刷时间:2005/10/01 开 本:印...


我是一名大学罩贺生 上过影视鉴赏课 我物猜派们老师的办法是先给我们一些介绍 然后放电影 看完后还有些关于该电影的一些知识和问题 让我们对看过的电影进行回忆和巩固兆高


三、欧美经典电影 英文赏析

这个是 中国影视库

电影 海报 影人什么的简介图片都比较齐全 有利于你做幻灯片时候用

这个是 世界经典电影荟萃 自己选一部最爱的经典电影做为主题吧,然后寻找一下你想要的电影的资料 再从网上搜些英文对白 自己编辑一下

希望你能一切顺利 ~~


The Pursuit of Happyness is a 2006 American biographical film directed by Gabriele Muccino about the on and off-homeless salesman-turned-stockbroker Chris Gardner. The screenplay by Steven Conrad is based on the best-selling memoir of the same name written by Chris Gardner with Quincy Troupe. The film was released on December 15, 2006 by Columbia Pictures.

Chris Gardner is a bright and talented, but marginally employed salesman. Struggling to make ends meet, Gardner finds himself and his five-year-old son evicted from their San Francisco apartment with nowhere to go. When Gardner lands an internship at a prestigious stock brokerage firm, he and his son endure many hardships, including living in shelters, in pursuit of his dream of a better life for the two of them.

