你的目标:一年半后,雅思成绩达到6.5。(不知道你有没有单项分的要求) 评估:最了解你自己情况的还是你自己,按你提供的信息,对你的情况只这一点有用:单词量算4000。其他的,诸如听说读写的水平都不清楚。雅思是按听说读写四项给分的。你要达到6.5,其他四项预估为:Listeng 6.5 Speaking 6.o Reading 7.o Writing 6.o 这是雅思6.5的最低标准了。 计划:1、听--找到雅思机经,近1年考试的题,看一遍,把听力中常涉及到的词和用法搞懂,最起码熟悉。书店有卖听力专项词汇的,挑一本自己喜欢的,不用全背(自制力超强的人除外),只记常用的。每天分3回,每回听半小时。 2、说--还是机经。到书店找口语话题的书。一周只练习一个topic。注重每一个topic的常用词,特别是形容词。 3、读--买雅思阅读的书,一天一篇阅读。熟悉题型。针对每个题型,总结答题方式。 4、写--这个最难了,关键是写作速度和逻辑条理性。对于小作文,背范文,熟悉各种图表数据的表述;大作文,看机经的题目,练习快速审题,迅速建立argument。一周写一大一小。 以上计划若能坚持1年,疗效显著。后半年在根据那时候的情况,加强强项,弱项到底线就好。 听、说是最好提高,而且提高程度大的地方,多点注意力。读次之。写作是个最磨人的项目了,往往付出很多却收效甚微。关键自己找到写作的感觉,不要憋。 以上,还不算什么计划,只算个大纲吧,希望对你有帮助。你时间充足,好好学吧,学不好,出来后写二、三千的essay有你受的。总之,在国内不学,出来也得学,是逃不掉滴。还是趁早学吧。另外,雅思6。5并不恐怖,写作7才恐怖。加油!加油吧!
a learning plan on summer holiday
the summer holiday is just around the corner, I want to do a summer’s learning plan .it is to complete two tasks.one is to refine and grasp the key points and difficulties in all branches .; the other is to gradually transform knowledge into the actual ability to solve problems.
First is to reviewEnglish .In vocabulary, Ishouldbegain todeeply master usage on the basis of mastering meaning, especially fixed collocation and habits.
Another key is to solve the difficult sentences, grasp various long sentence, and increase the reading quantity,which, on the one hand, can improve reading ability, on the other hand,can consolidate the grammar, vocabulary and sentence structures through reading. On Summerholiday,i must make quite amount of topic special practice to consolidate the knowledge.
Second is to review mathematis. because politics has begun to be reviewed, the time toreview mathematiswill be reduced correspondingly,andthe number of doing the mathes exercises also could reduce. Therefore,Ineed summarize and refine the rule of solving the problem on the basis ofreviewing mang exercises.
third is toreview politics.Political review had better beginafter releasing the 2012 political outline ..one key inthis stage is to refine basic theory , important conclusions,and the examination,knowledge of each course, especially new increasing examination and new fixed examination .The second is the combination between major events in politics and related basic theory .
The last stage is to review professional class .Arrange each specialized courses of logical framework while establish the whole professional systerm in the heart.What’s more, another point is to summary professional knowledge content according to special subjects. We’d better choose some good quality improved recitations andhave the public class within reach.
Because the summer holiday is prime time to grind review without any course interference, the reviewing time is most concentrated and other learning tasks isalso most light. In fact,One'sgrades of grinding being increased or decrease is basically depended on this stage revision effect.
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