
成长网 2023-01-09 09:40 编辑:admin 300阅读


The candidate speaks smoothly without much effort。 The linking words are used naturally and in the right places。
   He doesn't cover the whole subject in his answers。

His vocabulary is appropriate but not sophisticated and doesn't show variations, the language is fluent but relatively simple。

He uses some idioms and sometimes dose that inappropriately。 The control of grammar is good, the mistakes are rare。 His pronunciation is good and the accent doesn't get in the way。


Many of them need to be very strong vocabulary, wonderful grammar, very unique ideas and very very fluent。
   Many of them can’t have all of these skills together, get something but not all of them。 That’s the problem。





雅思口语中很常见的一个问题就是Are you working or study? Do you like working? / Do you enjoy your work?


Answer 1:

   It's too stressful, the working hours are too long – about ten hours a day – and the pay's much too low。 I really want to find a better job。

Answer 2:

No, I don't(直接回答问题)。 It's too stressful(形容词的使用), the working hours are too long – about ten hours a day – and the pay's much too low(解释原因)。
   I really want to find a better job(总结)。 (7分)

Answer 3:

No, I don't, to tell you the truth。 There's virtually(高分副词的运用) nothing I like about it。
   For example(举例,扩展答案), it's too stressful, the working hours are too long – about ten hours a day – and the pay's much too low。
   So, as you can imagine(短语), I really want to find a better job(总结)。 (8分)

其实在上面的评分标准中,关于词汇有一个很重要的词叫appropriate, 合适的,所以与不少烤鸭误解必须要用大词不同,往往很多时候需要多用一些地道的表达来修饰自己的句子。

此外在语法上,上文中的高分答案除了流畅的副词,动词短语使用外,定语从句的使用也让句子的起承转合非常自然,也就是我们评分标准中说到的linking words,自然,地道,这样的表达往往最受考官青睐,烤鸭们一定要注意哦!。