求电子类毕业设计 中英文翻译

221 2024-09-02 09:46

单片机扩展串行通信 论文+程序

单片机-路口灯火控制系统的设计 论文+程序

单片机转速测量系统 论文+程序+DDB

电子时钟 论文+原理图

具有温度控制功能的电子时钟 程序+DDB

基于单片机的数控电流源的设计 论文+程序+DDB

利用PN结作传感器的数字型控温仪表 论文+原理图

红外快速检测人体温度装置的设计与研制 论文+程序+DDB

汽车防撞主控系统 论文+DDB

智能型充电器的电源和显示的设计 论文+程序+DDB

IIR数字滤波器的理论和设计.doc 论文(PDF转换)

仓库温湿度的监测系统.doc 论文

超声波遥控电风扇调速控制电路的设计 论文+原理图

单片机串行通信发射机.doc 论文+原理图+程序

基于单片机控制的电子密码锁 论文

基于单片机的交通灯设计 论文+原理图+程序

单片机作息时间控制.doc 论文

低频数字式相位测量仪.doc 论文+原理图

电动智能小车(完整论文).doc 论文+原理图+程序

点阵电子显示屏(A题).doc 论文+原理图+程序

豆浆机的制作.doc 论文+原理图+程序

多功能红外发射接收器设计.doc 论文+原理图+程序

自动抄表系统.doc 论文+程序+DDB

火灾自动报警系统设计.doc 论文

机械润滑装置自动控制系统研究与设计 论文+原理图+程序

基于AT89S52的直流数字电压表设计.doc 论文+原理图+程序

基于DDS技术的任意波形发生器.doc 论文

基于ISD4004的语音报值交直流电压表设计 论文+原理图

基于单片机的多功能智能小车设计论文 论文+原理图+程序

基于单片机控制的9999秒倒计时器的毕业设计设计 论文+原理图+程序

计算机主板制程.doc 论文

交直流数字电压表设计.doc 论文+原理图+程序


空气温湿度检测仪.doc 论文+程序

六路抢答器.doc 论文+原理图

肉类水分超标自动报警装置设计与研制.doc 论文+原理图+程序

手持式GPS定位仪的开发与研制.doc 论文+原理图+程序

带温度控制功能的电子时钟(完整版) 论文+原理图+程序+PPT

数字时钟1.doc 论文+原理图+程序

双向汽车防盗器设计.doc 论文+原理图+流程图

同步电机模型的MATLAB仿真.doc 论文+仿真

温度监控系统的设计.doc 论文+原理图+程序

正弦信号发生器的设计与研究.doc 论文+程序

自动加料机控制系统.doc 论文+原理图+程序

单片机做的智能台灯 论文+原理图+程序

精确温度显示的温控自动风扇系统.doc 论文+原理图+程序

多点温度检测系统.doc 论文+原理图+仿真图

半桥电子秤.DOC 论文+原理图+程序

音频放大器(LM1875功率放大器).doc 论文+原理图+PCB图

大电流测量毕业设计.doc 论文

谷物水分检测 论文+程序+DDB

彩灯控制器电路 论文+原理图+流程图

基于单片机的电器遥控器设计 论文+原理图+程序

单片机的智能化温湿度测量系统研究 论文+原理图+程序

基于DS1820的室温监测装置的设计 论文+原理图+程序

单片机温湿度检测和显示系统 论文+原理图+程序

电源相序自动调控保护装置的设计 完整

智能节水控制器的设计 完整+仿真(无论文)

肉类水分超标自动报警装置设计 论文+原理图+程序+PPT

基于单片机的仓库粮食虫害自动检测装置的设计 论文+原理图+程序

单片机恒温箱温度控制系统的设计 论文+原理图+程序

Taxi meter design thesis + program

Microprocessor Serial Communication paper + procedures

SCM - intersection lights control system design paper + procedures

SCM speed measurement system thesis + program + DDB

Paper + electronic clock schematic

Temperature control with electronic clock procedure + DDB

Digitally controlled current source based on single chip design paper + procedures + DDB

PN junction to make use of digital-type temperature sensor instrument paper + schematic

Rapid detection of infrared body temperature devices Design and Development of Paper + Program + DDB

Automotive Collision Avoidance System Master thesis + DDB

Intelligent charger design of power and display paper + procedures + DDB

IIR digital filter theory and design. Doc paper (PDF conversion)

Storage temperature and humidity monitoring system. Doc thesis

Ultrasonic remote control fan speed control circuit diagram paper +

Serial communication transmitter. Doc thesis + schematic diagram + program

Microcontroller Based Electronic Code Lock papers

Traffic lights based on single chip schematic design thesis + + program

SCM rest time control. Doc thesis

Low frequency digital phase meter. Doc thesis + schematic diagram

Electric smart car (full paper). Doc thesis + schematic diagram + program

Dot-matrix display panels (A question). Doc thesis + schematic diagram + program

Soymilk production. Doc thesis + schematic diagram + program

Infrared multi-receiver design. Doc thesis + schematic diagram + program

Automatic meter reading system. Doc thesis + program + DDB

Automatic fire alarm system. Doc thesis

Machinery Lubrication Automatic Control System Study and Design of Paper + schematic diagram + program

AT89S52 based on DC digital voltmeter design. Doc thesis + schematic diagram + program

DDS technology-based arbitrary waveform generator. Doc thesis

Based on reported values ISD4004 voice AC and DC voltage meter schematic design paper +

Microcontroller-based multi-functional intelligent car design thesis dissertation + Schematic + program

Based on Microcontroller 9999 seconds countdown device Graduation Thesis + + program schematic

Computer motherboard manufacturing. Doc thesis

AC and DC digital voltmeter design. Doc thesis + schematic diagram + program

Switching Power Supply design. Doc

Air temperature and humidity detector. Doc paper + procedures

6 Way Responder. Doc thesis + schematic diagram

Excessive moisture meat automatic alarm device design and development. Doc thesis + schematic diagram + program

Handheld GPS Locator Research and Development. Doc thesis + schematic diagram + program

Temperature control with electronic clock (full version) Paper + schematic diagram + program + PPT

Digital clock schematic 1.doc paper + + program

Two-way car alarm design. Doc thesis + schematic + diagram

Synchronous motor model of the MATLAB simulation. Doc thesis + simulation

Temperature Monitoring System. Doc thesis + schematic diagram + program

Sine Wave Generator Design and Research. Doc paper + procedures

Automatic feeding machine control system. Doc thesis + schematic diagram + program

SCM smart to do schematic lamp paper + + program

Accurate temperature display Automatic temperature control fan systems. Doc thesis + + program diagram

Multi-point temperature measurement systems. Doc thesis + plan + simulation schematic

Half-bridge electronic scale. DOC dissertation + Schematic + program

Audio amplifier (LM1875 power amplifier). Doc paper + schematic + PCB diagram

Large current measurement Graduation. Doc thesis

Grain moisture content paper + procedures + DDB

Paper + lantern controller circuit diagram + flow chart

Microcontroller-based remote control electrical schematic design paper + + program

SCM intelligent temperature and humidity measurement system schematic thesis + + program

DS1820-based room-temperature device for monitoring the schematic design paper + + program

SCM temperature and humidity testing and display system schematic thesis + + program

Automatic regulation of power supply phase sequence protection device integrity

Intelligent water saving controller design integrity + simulation (Thesis)

Excessive moisture meat automatic alarm device schematic design paper + + program + PPT

Storage pests of food based on single chip design of automatic test equipment schematic thesis + + program

SCM incubator temperature control system schematic thesis + + program


